Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Food Rerun

In case anyone is keeping count, so far, I had only thrown up three times during this pregnancy.

Make that four.

I know that I have been lucky. I am in my 22nd week, and I really have not had a problem with the vomiting. My mother was sick for nine months straight with both my brother and I. I feel kind of bad about that, and I was dreading that the same thing would happen to me. It hasn't.

That does not make it any more pleasant to see one's chicken masala again.

Last night, Sue (Pete's mom), took us out to dinner. Pete chose our favorite local Indian restaurant, as we had not been there in awhile. Their food is excellent. During dinner, I was remarking about how I get acid reflux a lot, almost every day, and probably should not be eating spicy food because that makes it worse, but oh well! I would live with it because I love spicy food, and I have had to give up so many things... I would truly, madly resent having to eat brown rice and mild cheese for the next 4.5 months.


I made it through Medium just fine, and then went to bed. I was having the good old reflux, and it was definitely worse than usual, but there was really nothing to be done about it. By the time Pete came to bed, Squirmy was squirming, so Pete wanted to feel it. Pete likes to put on some pressure with his hand to make contact; it's not much, but last night, it was also putting pressure on my stomach, and that pretty much did it.

I felt a little better after that, but not well enough to really get some sleep. Squirmy seemed to be having a celebration dance, and then Max, the middle cat, the Jan Brady of the family, decided that night time was fun time, and had himself a little party with whatever he could find on the floor. This morning, Pete found the remains on the skewed rug in front of the kitchen sink: empty cat food can and small plastic bead. Sounds like heaven. I bet that we will find a hair tie or small ball of paper in the couch later as well.

Suffice to say that I have felt better before, and were it not for a budget meeting with the dean, a site visit, and a houseguest, I might have considered not coming in. But alas, the meetings must be attended to, and I can sleep later, right?

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