Thursday, December 11, 2008


We spent Thanksgiving at my parents' house, which is only a couple of hours away. Unless you have a baby, then it's about four hours because you have to stop less than half way there to placate, feed, and change the struggling offspring, and after that, you have to try to remember all the songs you know and then sing them to your mad, mad baby.

It was a great holiday, and it was, indeed, a holiday as I had many willing arms to hold the wee child. I also had a little extra sleeping time as my mother always takes a couple of night-time shifts with Finn, and it was all just generally fantastic, all around.

Then we came home.

We were in Winona for four full days and part of two more, and on Tuesday, when Pete went to work, I was running on only 2 hours of sleep from Monday night. It was like I forgot how to take care of my baby. After a Tuesday night of three hours of sleep, I was a bit of a mess.

Finn came back from our vacation a little more active and talkative. He gets frustrated easier because he's trying to do things and not succeeding, like grabbing objects, so he gets pissy more often and more quickly. I was exhausted and alone with him for the first time in days, and I just became more and more exhausted and felt unable to deal with him. And the more incapable I felt, the more exhausted and frustrated I became, and the more frustrated he became.

We were not a good pair for a couple of days.

I managed to get a few solid nights of at least five hours in, and I felt much better. Days later, I have a new routine for myself, and it involves getting into bed right around ten o'clock, regardless of how I feel or what I am doing, and regardless of whether it is a weekend or not. If I don't get my five hours, I am a mess. I am also putting in my ear plugs so I don't hear him fussing so easily. Pete has it under control for the first part of the night, and that's when Finn usually sleeps the best, from 10 until 1 or 2 and then, after a bottle, until 4 or 5.

This morning, sleepy daddy staggered in with fussy baby at 5:45, which was absolutely amazing. And now, Finn's playing Happy Morning Baby with Pete.

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