Friday, October 15, 2010

Miracles DO happen

They are just not what we think they are.

They are tiny in comparison to the larger world.

They should be honored and marveled at, but not be expected to repeat... because they are miracles.

You may remember my thoughts on miracles. Conception is not a miracle. Even my baby's survival is not a miracle. To reiterate, a miracle is:

1: an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs
: an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment

Again, I do not believe in number one in any way, shape, or form, and number two does not apply to conception, in general or in my specific case, nor does it apply to babywhumpus' survival, as the success rate for his gestational age is now 90%. We are always grateful (to science and his excellent care), and we are often astounded at our two-pound baby but... not a miracle.

But, by number two's standards, what we had last night was a miracle. babywhumpus slept for almost 11 hours straight. This is "an extremely outstanding and unusual event." For the past two weeks or perhaps more, there has not been a single night of even sleeping from 10-5, let alone from 8:30-7:15, and before that, the 10-5's were rare enough.

Tonight, I vow to get him into--actually INTO--the bath at 8, give him a fun 10-15 minute splash, get him out and p.j.-ed, and see if family story time will happen before pillow and bed. The goal being to get him into the crib around 8:30.

This, too, would be a miracle.

1 comment:

susan smith said...

Well, says the Talmud--"believe in miracles--- but don't count on them!" Sounds like a good solution to me. (of the 2nd kind of course). It is hard to think of Finn now as opposed to just born and not let the 'miracle' word creep in there! Maybe the correct word for all this is "wow!! awesome perfection! Everything complete!"I guess I do think of a developing baby in utero as an "outstanding event", I mean all those cells with the correct directions from mircoscopic genes to keep growing, even until adulthood! Now science is teaching us about other outstanding events in nature and life, like how the brain changes physically in humans as we learn and where exactly this happens in the brain; and how trauma changes our brain and endrocrine system in response (the hope being to know how we can counter-treat or correct these destructive changes). Kiss Finn good night for me--grammasue