Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This is Why I Make Lists

We got it all together. Everyone had clothes on, which were weather appropriate. There were freshly laundered diapers in the bag, ready to go. Snow boots for muddy days in the day care backyard. Bags, electronic devices, all of it, and out the door in time to get to work for a meeting.

It wasn't until the first time I went the restroom that I noticed I had no makeup on. I was innocently washing my hands, when I looked up and saw my Sunday afternoon at home face staring at me, not work face.

Now, it's not like I am an extraordinarily well-groomed individual. I look with envy at those put-together women who are always flawless, but I just don't have the will to put all that much effort into it. This is not to say that I come to work looking like a hobo (can we still say "hobo"?). I match, my clothes are clean, I am clean. But the perfect hair and make up just don't happen on my head.


At the end of the day, a coworker came by my desk and said I looked tired. I said, "well, sure, but the real issue is I forgot to put on mascara."

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