Saturday, April 7, 2012

I like... (Part 1)

2012 has not been my favorite of years so far. There has been much to cause despair and worry, stress and pain. When a few big things go bad, it becomes easier to only all the bad things. It’s the beauty and comfort of confirmation bias. Instead, as I meander through this early and astonishing spring, I want to try to remember that there is so much more to life, and there are many, many things that are good.

I like...
Distinguished men in dashing hats
Drinking beer and wearing a tiara while cleaning the house
The sound of chickadees in the morning
The freshly-painted ceiling and walls in my bathroom
Cooking in a calm, clean kitchen
Watching planes take off and land
Curry, onions, and garlic... (now, kiss me)
A dark pint after a task well done
Making lists and crossing things off
Arts and crafts bungalows
Glimpses of red rooms in houses as I walk through my neighborhood at night
Old neon signs
The line between dirty and clean
Spring and autumn
Seeing how many things I can remember from a grocery list without looking
The green watercolor wash of early spring
New music by beloved artists that sends you back into their old music
Large scale public works projects that benefit a significant cross section of society
Late breakfast with friends after a good party
Paying bills
The smell of coffee beans
Sun-warmed cement
Driving the speed limit

1 comment:

Pete McCauley said...

Hi honey - love this and looking forward to part 2. (Typo in paragraph 1)

I just was thinking how amazing it was that there was a Guinness truck parked right outside the coffee shop window when you snapped that pic at Mapps.

Random thought I know but... hey...

xoxo love you loads -P