Saturday, September 11, 2010

As the sun goes behind an especially picturesque bank of clouds, the nice breeze becomes a chilling one, and I bundle up camera, book, and sunscreen and head up the 54 stairs to the cottage for my last outdoor shower. I leave my glasses on because no one should shower blind outdoors, so I survey the ocean and sky through foggy, droplet-covered lenses, but it would be worse without them. I figure they also get clean. I am a big fan of passive multitasking, which is doing one thing while doing another. Clean the glasses, rinse out the beach toys and the Keens, get a shower. It takes almost no brain power, no real planning, and I can also stash a Guinness on the shampoo shelves to further complete the picture of home economic industry.

We really should have had the plumber put one of these in at our house.

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