Saturday, November 22, 2008

Fine Knit Goods

I started knitting for the future baby early in my pregnancy, but nothing I was working on was as small as the baby we got. Still, it had not occurred to me to start knitting for His Tiny-ness until I saw him in this travesty:

Granted, those hats are knitted and crocheted as a charity to the hospital for babies like Finn, and one should not look a gift horse in the mouth or a gift stitch in the row, but as One Who Knits, I simply could not let this continue. I whipped up a couple of hats (modeled here by Miss Hazel):

And later by himself:

One nice thing about knitting for babies is that the stuff is small, so it's fast. Preemies are even smaller, so it's lightning fast. You almost don't have time to notice you are knitting before the hat is done.

He has received many fine knit (and crocheted) goods over the past few months, and I have contributed a few more as well:
There are hats by me, a hat, blanket, and bear by Christine, blankets by me, bunny by me, and a crochet blanket by my mom. That's the blanket for which I had a baby in the first place. And now it's mine, all mine.

I mean, Finn's. Of course.

He had better not be thinking he is barfing on that masterpiece.

Auntie Dorkchic added to the pile with these cutest of cute things:

And to top it all off, many of the members of a discussion board on which I post random comments contributed to blankies solicited by a woman who lives in the Twin Cities. They sent her squares from all over the country and across the pond, and she seamed them up into these wonderful patchwork blankets. They also sent wash cloths and socks. I was, and still am, in awe of all the work and beauty. Humans can be really cool.

This is one lucky boy. We intend to instill in him a deep sense of gratitude for how fortunate he is, which will lead to a heavy weight of crippling guilt, further leading to years of therapy and a complex about how he can never live up to all the expectations heaped upon him due to his early birth and our idea of his perfection.

Just kidding.

But he is really lucky.
And so are his parents.


susan smith said...

And so are his grandparents! For both you 2 and for Finn. He is just too cute in these beautiful things--love you Finn and your mom and dad.

dorkchic said...

Eeeeeeee! At first, I was just so excited to see Hazelazelazel and then I get pictures of The Stuff on The Man! Thank you so much... I hope he can wear them for a while before he grows past them.

My word verification for this one was "vilsh"... Vilsh and Flogra could totally battle Godzilla and win. totally.