I don't think it's worth it anymore.
At least not right now.
We had a great time watching the returns come in, celebrating and, at least for me, thinking about the awesome responsibility we have ahead of us. We went though many Guinnii and a couple shots of Powers each (Our friend Christine came over after spending the day being an election judge and trying to figure out how to fix our broken voting system). We stayed up too late. Finn was out of sorts from over stimulation and what little schedule he has being disrupted, and I did not like that I couldn't give him boob because of the beer.
Now, when it comes to alcohol and breast milk, you can find many different sources saying many contradictory things. One source will tell you "no breast feeding for at least two hours after consuming an alcoholic beverage," another will say it's OK when metabolized with food, and yet another will say that it does not matter at all in moderation. (Here's a good summary. And another.) Generally, I'll have a Guinness in the evening when Pete gives Finn his obligatory vitamin bottle, and I try to pump when the baby is eating just to keep my milk flowing. I already produce less milk in the evening, so I want to make sure that it does not continue to dwindle. I have also started freezing what I pump to have a store for the future. We have been busting into the freezer stock as it will start to expire next week.
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