Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pay at the Pump

I wish I could walk and knit.

I can walk and read, and I frequently do, but I think I would be stretching my multi-tasking skills and putting both my life and my projects in danger were I to attempt bipedal knitting.

I'm at the end of my second week back at work, the end of my second week back in the bunker (which is what I call the "expression room" here at work), and so far, it's going pretty well. I knit on the bus, I knit while I pump, and the house has not crumbled into bits around us. We're still eating real food; I have not collapsed from exhaustion. I'm not weeping in the corner over missing my baby.

I am not as worried about my supply as I was, though the freezer back stock is dwindling. If I go for a few days without pumping, my supply drops, so I really have to keep up with it, which is harder to do when I am home with him. Lefty is also being non-cooperative again, producing very little, but it has done this before, and even if it stops completely, I can run on one fuel cell.

But it's a good thing that it's only 3 days a week.
All those things would be frightfully different were it 5 days a week.

And I can't really complain, as I am in a good situation, with a flexible workplace, a helpful husband, and only one child to care for.

Still wish I could walk and knit, though.

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