Monday, July 28, 2008

Graduation from the NICU!

Pete here folks. So - today was a big day for Finn! He has been transferred out of the NICU and into the "Special Care Nursery" at Abbott Northwestern Hospital. Karen and I just got back from our first evening visit with Finn in his new diggs.

He was transferred this afternoon from Children's hospital - brought over on the transport isolette much like what he was brought to the NICU in back on May 29th at 3AM (Abbott Northwestern is where he was delivered, it's right next to Children's and connected via an underground tunnel). Karen has more on his transfer in an earlier blog (see "Tunnel").

Suffice to say that he is doing just fine in his new room, even though it's darker than Children's with less bright colors or fun decorations; and they have these crazy loud alarms that sound like they might have been previously used on a WWII-era German U-boat. He seems to be able to sleep through them though, thankfully (I'll be surprised if this kid ever wakes up to a regular alarm at home in the future).

I'll post more on my thoughts about the Special Care Nursery and our "decision" to have him transferred there soon. For now, I'm off to bed, where my lovely and talented wife awaits in what is hopefully her own deep slumber.

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