Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Oh, my burning heart



My uterus is getting bigger; it's pushing on my stomach (among other things) and I can't do things like I did last week.

After eating nothing yesterday that would be offensive to my stomach... at least, nothing I thought would be offensive to my stomach... I still had heartburn yesterday and felt icky. I did not have the vomiting, but it was unpleasant. Unpleasant enough to want to begin to take preventative measures. It's no fun to feel little lumps of acid rising into the back of your throat, then descending, then rising again, ad nauseum. Add to that the burping and weird hiccups that are not really hiccups, and you have an equation that equals misery. Not to mention glamour. I leafed through my books, found a few suggestions with which I felt I could comply, and headed to the co-op.

There, I purchased yogurt, string cheese, apples, and papaya extract chewables. I know. You're hungry and jealous now. I also stopped by Target and got "Hard Candy", but that's a record by Madonna and a different kind of cure.

We'll see how it goes. I am not saying that there is no more Indian or other spicy food in my prenatal future, but I am going to be more careful about it. There are leftovers from the Indian restaurant just sitting in my fridge, and I did not touch them yesterday. I only gazed longingly at them for a few seconds. I was that uncomfortable.

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