Friday, April 4, 2008

Ossify My Love

Bones are hardening, beginning with the ears. This means that McFetus can hopefully hear, which means that Pete can start playing it music. He's been talking to it for awhile, in his fetus voice which is similar to a puppy voice. I said that he should start using his normal voice sometimes, too, so that when it comes out, it will still recognize him.

It can hear all the inner workings of my body, which are numerous.

I feel badly for it. Luckily, it has no socialization to tell it which noises are inappropriate in polite company.

It can also swallow, which means that it is gulping down amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid is the "water" surrounding it. The kidneys will start producing pee soon, and that goes into the amniotic fluid. By swallowing, it's self regulating its pool, making sure the levels remain balanced.

Smart little thing.

Smart, but gross.

While we were in Maui, I ran across the movie "Nine Months" on the television. I had seen this movie when it came out because it had Hugh Grant and Julianne Moore. I thought of it recently, so I left it on while we got ready. Aside from the fact that this movie managed to make two hot people un-hot, I could barely stand Julianne Moore's character. She's the cliche of a hysterical pregnant woman. Making him get rid of his car and his cat, refusing to have sex with him because she's worried that "the baby" will see "it" coming and "it" will "scare the hell" out of it. She's completely absorbed in contemplating her own uterus and its contents. He's not handling the situation very well, either, but in the end, I think that the birth of the baby brings them back together. I don't remember because it was a long time ago, and we did not watch the whole thing.

Right. Because everyone knows that when there are problems in a team, the way to fix it is to bring in a small, smelly, screamy player from the bench.

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