Monday, March 3, 2008


Once, I got to view the baby I would be having. He was in a box on the wall like an art display, and he was armless. I was upset because that meant he would not be able to play the guitar.

After The Scare, I had a few bleeding dreams. I was always relieved when I woke up and was not bleeding. It's very much the opposite of how I felt in my 20's. Heck, and most of my 30's until I met Pete and knew that it would be OK to not be bleeding.

Sometimes, there are weird sexy dreams, and I don't particularly want to discuss them here because it's not fair to the children.

I dream a lot about work. People are giving me receipts, and I am working on budgets. It's very exciting. It seems like a waste of dream time, but I guess I have to organize that information sometime, and I might as well do it when I am asleep. They are not stressful dreams, they are just... there.

Last week, I dreamed about McDonald's Filet-o-Fish. Heaping piles of free McDonald's food. It made me really, really want a Filet-o-Fish. I did not have one. I almost forgot about this dream; now I remember. And I want one again. Thank goodness there is no McDonald's near my work. When my parents picked me up so I could drop them off at the airport on Friday, they had McDonald's bags in the car from their ride up. After they got out of the car, I actually looked in them. There was nothing left. I drove around in a cloud of McDonald's thinking "I could just stop..." I didn't. It was torture. The kind of torture that middle class Americans endure, which is not torture. It's not even mild discomfort, but we do like to indulge in hyperbole.

The last time I went to bed with a headache, I dreamed about treating my headache. I was at a strange pharmacy in a health care complex that was more like a cross between a shopping mall food court and an airport. They gave me a gritty, thick, chocolate-esque concoction to drink. It was not good. I woke up with a headache.

Last night, I was dreaming in a time before Pete and a time before pregnancy, about old friends. That switched to a bike ride with current girlfriends. This ride covered a good chunk of the West, from north in the Montana Rockies to south in New Mexico. We were stopped in New Mexico and still had half of the loop to finish. But my girlfriends were putting on their spikey boots and getting ready to go to the bar. They were giving up, and I was ready to keep going. I plotted a new course east for myself.

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