Monday, January 5, 2009

The Gift

In German, "Gift" means "poison." That is not what Pete got last night. No, Pete got a full night's sleep. I did not. Not that I have seen one of those since, oh... maybe early August. I took the boy all night because he was screaming inconsolably, and the only thing that would work was The Boob. Just like a man. It feels like he ate all. night. long. When Pete came in this morning, he said "You look bigger" to the little man in diapers, and I said "He should. He's been eating for eight hours straight." Now, I know that is not truly the case, but it sure feels like it. When I came out to check the clock (I don't have one in the bedroom anymore. It's of no use, and it just makes me feel bad), I was worried it was going to say something like "2:00 a.m." which would have sucked, because I was just ready for the night to be over with.

Surprisingly, I feel pretty good. Of course, it's Monday and we have to take Finn for his monthly RSV shot, which we hate because it's huge, and Finn turns all read and screams. It breaks our hearts, but he recovers quickly with a little help from the boob (seems to fix almost anything lately). At least we get to see how much he weighs, which is always interesting. Plus, it will be over quickly.

1 comment:

susan smith said...

Amazing how this re-kindled my memory! I recall a night like this with infant Pete (between 6-8 months) where the crying never ceased. I was really shaken by this---So I finally went down to the kitchen, took a soft piece of bread and broke it into a dish of beast milk which I fingered slowly into his mouth and wella! He slept the rest of the night. This was his first meal with "solid" foods. So he began having( yes!) baby cereal! But I used whole grain organic and it had to be very diluted with b. milk so he did not get a tummy ache and gas--- I was desperate and don't know what made me think of bread crumbs (great nutrition) but it worked--maybe this will give you some ideas and blissfully a full night's sleep!