Sunday, February 17, 2008

Cake & Pie

I have been watching a lot of Friends DVD's. They comfort me and keep me company. Pete has been good about it. So far, all he has said is "I can't believe you don't get sick of these."

The thing is, those people eat a lot of muffins and cakes on that show. I probably would not have noticed it were it not for the fetus, but now, it's all I can see. Chandler just licked Monica's muffin. Oh, look, they have a cake for the nice caretaker man, and Ross has icing all over his face.

Cake. I want cake.

Luckily, I am resourceful and I tend to have a reasonably stocked pantry. This evening, while Pete was getting ready to go out (I am not fun anymore. At least not past 8:00), I broke out the paperback Betty Crocker Cookbook and went trolling for a chocolate cake I could make without having to leave the house to buy ingredients.

I found one that did not require milk or eggs, incredibly, and that you just mix up in the baking pan and shove into the oven. It turned out pretty good, and now I have a double chocolate cake. I don't need much, really, it's about the taste. Sometime on Sunday, I needed lemon sponge pie, like my grandmother makes. I have no idea why. But I bought the ingredients, and they are just waiting to be assembled.

Haven't made one of those in over a decade, I bet.

It's going to be GOOD.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lemon sponge pie-oh my! When I visit in April I will make you great food and desserts! Grammasue