Friday, February 22, 2008

I just want to clean the house.

Is that so wrong?

12 weeks today and the end of the first trimester. Here's to hoping that it's also the end of the extreme exhaustion so that I can start getting things DONE again! The house is messy, and I want to try out the new vacuum. We bought it weeks ago, I finally got it out of the box a week ago, and it's almost assembled. It's just sitting there on the messy rug, waiting.

What really amuses me is that it's a "Healthy Home" vacuum and was recommended in one of my "green" baby books. It's supposed to be all about healthy air, and yet it comes with two dust mite killing agents, one a powder and one a liquid, that you are supposed to use. How is putting something with a poison symbol onto your rug good for you? From what I have read, its active ingredient is approved for use in foods by the FDA, but other sources say that it's only really necessary if kids who have dust mite allergies are playing on the rugs or carpets. As people with asthma or allergies are not supposed to use the product and are supposed to stay out of the room for three hours after it is applied, I am just going to say "No thanks" and take it to hazardous waste.

Tannic acid, found in tea among other things, has anti-bacterial, anti-enzymatic, and astringent properties, and can be used to kill dust mites as well. It is supposed to be used sparingly, however, because it can slow down the absorption of iron. I might look for some of that and try it out. Do I clean the rugs with black tea?

All this to say that at this point, I am hoping this 3-inch long, four-fifths of an ounce little bugger will let me get off the couch and rejoin society a little bit. To help jump start that, I went to yoga for the first time in months, and it was really hard. I am glad that I went, though, and I plan on going every Thursday. Kira is a really good teacher, and she can help me to modify poses as things start to get in the way. I find it amusing that the fetus' head is nearly half the size it's entire body. Good thing it does not stay that way, but as Pete and I both have big heads, I don't know how much it will change. We also have fingernails and toenails, people, and it's starting to get a more "baby-ish" appearance.

And look, it's already praying to Jesus!

How adorable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi karen--now is the time you will start to have more energy--don't worry about being old--you are just the right age and I have read that this was more a problem for male Dr.'s who took over from mid-wifes in the early 1900's--they wanted all easy cases!(N.Y. times, about 1988). All your tests are good but have also read a lot about age NOT related to Downs and other abnomalities. Grammasue