Monday, May 19, 2008

Birthday (mine)

It was a weekend for birthday celebrations. My niece, Ashley, and I had a joint cake/sing Saturday night (her birthday is later in the month). My mom baked up a sour cream chocolate cake, as is traditional in the Meyers Family, and we made our wishes and blew out the candles. Ashley is the one on the right. She's turning 15. I am not. I turned 38 today.
I am keeping it low key; I am not interested in a lot of fuss or bother. There's so much going on, just in general, that I will be happy to go home with my honey, have hotdogs and cake (separately. Hot dogs first, then cake), and get to bed early.

mmm... cake...

Pregnancy makes you want to PARTY!

p.s. Now, Pete thinks it's a boy.

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