Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dr.'s Update: June 10, 2008

We had not heard from the doctor, so Pete called the nurse.

She said he is going well. He's tolerating the hi-flow well and put in his full two hours on it. The feedings are also going well. He pooped this morning at 6:00 and his tummy is good.

The doctor had not rounded yet.

She called me a few minutes later, and she had a lot to say.

"Finn's having a nice day. His overnight was not quite as great," she said. This just meant that he had a few spells, so they are keeping him on the same C-PAC rate of 2 and 2. He's tolerating his feedings, getting just a touch over an ounce an hour. He'll be at 3.6 ounces an hour by morning (I think this is what she meant). Were he still in the womb, calcium, fat, protein, etc. would be coming from the placenta through me during the 3rd trimester, so he needs a fortifier. He gets his daily needs from breast milk, but he'll get human milk fortifier added to it. He's starting with the low amount of this today, and we'll see how he does. After a couple of days, they will up that. At the same time, they will turn his IV nutrition down. That will probably end Thursday. Then it's just time and growth. They don't have a set day when they say that they want him off the C-PAC. That's for him to decide. He just needs to get stronger.

All in all, he is doing well...

1 comment:

susan smith said...

Sounds like a great baby day and is so good to hear. What do they mean by not such a good night? Maybe he wanted to play the drums for dad! Hi to all your knitting friends. Sounds like a nice group.